Home Blog 8 Useful Homework Strategies for Struggling Students – 2024 Guide

8 Useful Homework Strategies for Struggling Students – 2024 Guide

5 Useful Homework Strategies for Struggling Students – 2024 Guide

Every generation of students consists of children who are more than willing to learn whatever is thrown at them and those who struggle to learn. That doesn’t mean that the latter category is going to be troublesome later in life, as it is presumed most of the time, these children just have a hard time learning, due to a variety of different things. We can see that there is a little bit of frustration, anger, and even dread in some cases.

Surely, parents should be there to help their children while they struggle with learning or doing their homework. Sometimes, this help can seem worthless due to parents not knowing the basic learning patterns that the child tries to develop at school. Naturally, when the situation is completely out of control, you can hire someone to help your kid a little bit.

If you are interested in that, you can take a look at Homework doer, and see what you can actually expect. Anyway, we know that the situation where a child struggles to learn can be a little bit scary for every parent. This especially goes in some of the classes who are considered to be essential like math and the English language. Nobody likes his child being prevented to fulfill the full potential, right?

Naturally, this struggle with learning can occur with kids who are just not too interested in a particular subject. In this situation, there are reasons for every parent to worry too much about it. Therefore, the kid could do a bare minimum at the subject and focus on other fields who are of interest. Elementary school is the first step where you can see what your child’s interests are. With all of this information in mind, let us take a look at some useful homework strategies you could apply to help your child.

 Self Regulation

Self-regulation, the ability to prioritize work and resist distractions, is a crucial skill that students develop over time. It allows them to focus on tasks and achieve academic success. One way to teach self-regulation is through focus training. Here, students practice concentrating for short periods, gradually increasing the duration as the year progresses. Imagine a child who struggles to read for extended periods. We can start by having them read for just five minutes and then slowly build up their reading stamina throughout the school year. This approach helps them develop the “focus muscle” needed for longer, more sustained concentration.

Create a Study Area

It goes without saying that children are easily distracted by whatever can provide them with some entertainment. Therefore, it is an absolute must to create an area where there will be no TV, mobile phones, and any other devices that can distract them from learning or doing homework.

Usually, this area is a child’s bedroom. However, it should be said that sometimes, this is a room where a child has a lot of things that can distract them from learning. So, this entirely depends on the choice parents will make. At the same time, you can remove all of these things from an area which you’ve chosen and you can return them later.

Having a Homework Time

After you’ve established an area where your kid will be able to learn, you need to make sure that there is a particular time when your child will study or do homework. Most of the time, this time is after a child returns from home and rests a little bit. However, it may be best to let the child see what’s the best time when the learning will be the most efficient.

In some movies, we can see that this occurs right after dinner, which is not so bad solution. There is enough time to complete all of the tasks before bedtime. However, it needs to be said that the latter the time for homework, the child will be more tired. Therefore, the process of completing homework will be much longer.

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Categorize the Tasks

Take a look at some of the tasks that are placed in front of the child, and make a categorization, in terms of priority. Naturally, the things that are considered the hardest by the children should be done first. Therefore, easier tasks will be left for later since they require less time to complete.

Also, you can create a story that will make the process much more interesting for your kid. We don’t mean stories like fairytales, but creating a glimpse of responsibility, or maybe insert some kind of reward after your kid completes the homework. That way, you will be able to include some engagement into the process, which will result in the best possible result, you can be sure of that.

Take Regular Breaks

Don’t underestimate the power of a break! Even high schoolers can only concentrate intensely for about an hour. To combat this, schedule regular breaks into your child’s homework routine. These short respites will help them refocus and recharge, allowing them to tackle the next task with renewed energy.

Become a Role Model

All of us know that children are prone to mimicking and imitating their parents, there is nothing wrong with you making a role model of yourself. When we say this, we mean that you can do your own research at the same time where your kid is finishing its homework. Also, even you don’t have absolutely anything to do, that’s related to your work, you can read a book or something else that can have a positive effect on your child’s will to finish the homework.

You can be sure that becoming a role model in that situation will surely have a massively positive effect and maybe you will not need to repeat it after a couple of times. The reason is, your kids will learn the basics responsibility and they will be more than able to complete all of these tasks without your help.

Homework Calendar

Encouraging your children’s duty is perhaps the best thing you can do. Therefore, it’s of the highest importance to introduce many different concepts that can teach them that. So, when there is some task that spans for a couple of days, you can decide to use something that we can call a homework calendar. That way you can close the chapters of the assignment that are completed.

Besides responsibility, your child will have a sense of progress, which is equally important as the learning to be responsible. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this procedure if you don’t introduce too much pressure on a kid’s brain. This is when this situation could backfire. Therefore, you should avoid it completely.


Students learn at different paces, but everyone benefits from homework that reinforces classwork. Forget the traditional “homework after the bell” mentality. Now, with a blend of in-class and remote learning, all assignments should contribute to a cohesive learning experience. Clear learning goals and engaging tasks in class will motivate students to continue their work at home, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the material.

In Conclusion

Sure, we can see that in every generation there is a number of kids who don’t enjoy learning like other kids. Not only that, but some of them also experience hardships during these processes. Here, we’ve provided you with a couple of strategies you can introduce to help in these situations. We trust that you will discover our article valuable.