Home Gaming Elden Ring Golden Seed locations

Elden Ring Golden Seed locations

Elden Ring Golden Seed locations

You can find the rare items you need for upgrading Sacred Flasks of Crimson Tears and Cerulean Tears at the Elden Ring Golden Seed locations. In the game’s later boss fights, these items are required to keep your health restoration items level with your increasing health. Golden Seeds are hard to find in Elden Ring. As you get further down the upgrades tree, you’ll need more and more Golden Seeds for each upgrade until you need five just for a single extra use of your Flasks.

Finding any at all is essential to start with. The later stages will eventually see you need to find as many as possible for one upgrade. To max out your Flasks, though, you don’t need to find all of the Golden Seeds, so it makes life a bit easier. Hence, we’ll cover the easiest and most obvious Golden Seeds locations in Elden Ring.



The 17 Elden Ring Golden Seed locations we found around the Lands Between will get you 20 Golden Seeds in total – that’s enough to fill 12 Sacred Flasks. The Golden Seeds in Elden Ring are not all marked here, so you’ll probably find a few more as you play. There are some areas you will reach as the story progresses, but you can also access them just by exploring on your own. It is not necessary to find them in the order listed:

  1. Stormhill –Unless you choose a Golden Seed, this is likely to be the first seed you find. Follow the path all the way up the hill after passing the giant gate at the Gatefront Ruins Site of Grace until you reach the golden sapling.
  2. Stormhill Shack– Begin Roderika’s quest by speaking with her in the shack. A pile of bodies near the Grafted Scion is where you’ll find the Chrysalids’ Memento item at Stormveil Castle. Give the memento to Roderika, then visit her in the Roundtable Hold. Your efforts will be rewarded with a Golden Seed.
  3. Stormveil Castle– A giant troll can be found nearby a courtyard where a Golden Seed can be found.
  4. Fringefolk Hero’s Grave– In the dungeon area near the beginning of the game, defeat the boss to find one. Our Elden Ring Stonesword Keys guide will help you access this place.
  5. Fort Haight– You can find a golden sapling right outside the fort.
  6. Near Castle Morne– You can find this Golden Seed around some rocks north of the castle. This castle is located on the Weeping Peninsula, south of West Limgrave, where you start the game.
  7. Caelid– To the east of the Cathedral of Dragon Communion, on the main road.
  8. Bestial Sanctum– On the northest point of Caelid, on the main road leading up to the sanctum.
  9. Academy Gate Town– A Golden Seed can be found near Raya Lucaria Academy in the ruins of the sunken Academy Gate Town.
  10. Raya Lucaria Academy– The academy contains two Golden Seeds. After meeting and helping Yura, you can find one. After facing a wolf boss, you can find the other one in the courtyard.
  11. Ravine-Veiled Village– In the north of the academy is a village located in a flooded ravine. Not far from the village, you’ll find a Golden Seed on a small island.
  12. Altus Plateau– Just north of the Atlus Highway Junction Site of Grace where the road forks.
  13. Leyndell Outer Wall, main entrance– After passing the two Tree Sentinels and crossing the outer wall into Leyndell, you will find a sapling at a Site of Grace. Don’t miss out on two Golden Seeds in this sapling.
  14. Leyndell Outer Wall, near inner wall– Follow the paved path to find another golden sapling from the main entrance and previous Golden Seeds. This sapling also holds two Golden Seeds!
  15. Altus Plateau, Minor Erdtree– This area contains a golden sapling north-northwest of the Minor Erdtree.
  16. Mount Gelmir, Seethewater River– North of the Seethewater River Site of Grace is a Golden Seed. You can find it northwest of the Wyndham Ruins or near the Gelmir Hero’s Grave.
  17. Mount Gelmir, near Volcano Manor– A golden sapling with a Golden Seed can be found northwest of Volcano Manor.



Elden Ring Golden Seeds are a type of consumable item found throughout the game. They appear at the bases of small golden tree saplings that resemble the Erdtree, albeit in teeny-tiny form. When you have collected one or more Golden Seeds, you should go to the nearest Site of Grace, rest, and select ‘Flasks’. With your Golden Seeds, you can now give yourself extra swigs of your Sacred Flask by choosing the ‘Add charge to flask’ option.



To fully upgrade your Sacred Flasks in Elden Ring, you’ll have to find 30 Golden Seeds, though this won’t mean you’ll get 30 uses per checkpoint. As you upgrade it more and more in this way, you’ll need more and more Golden Seeds for every few additional flasks you unlock. The first time you use an Elden Ring Golden Seed, you will get one extra use out of your Sacred Flask, but soon you will need multiple seeds:

  • 1 Golden Seedeach to unlock the 5th and 6th Sacred Flask uses
  • 2 Golden Seedseach to unlock the 7th and 8th Sacred Flask uses
  • 3 Golden Seedseach to unlock the 9th and 10th Sacred Flask uses
  • 4 Golden Seedseach to unlock the 11th and 12th Sacred Flask uses
  • 5 Golden Seedseach to unlock the 13th and 14th Sacred Flask uses

Sacred Flasks can only be used 14 times in total. In Elden Ring, there are over 30 Golden Seeds, but even if you find additional seeds, they cannot be used.